Then and Now: Curating a Chaotic Childhood
bridget steenkamp
Bridget is a children’s chaplain and a practical theology research student with an interest in children’s spirituality and the natural world. Bridget’s first exhibition is a reflection and reworking some childhood memories.
She says:
“Essentially, I am a collector, a curator of things. I am learning to embrace both my neurodiversity and my shame of being a child of apartheid to South Africa. This is a journey of a lifetime. I have always collected things that hold my feelings, thoughts and ideas; constantly playing, rearranging and sorting them into different iterations. As I orbit in daisy chain reflections around these ideas and feelings, I grow in the knowledge that I am loved, flawed, beautiful, imperfect, unique, fragile, and strong. I see the world we inhabit and us as people like this too. Wonderful, glorious, and loved in all our imperfections. It is my hope that this exhibition might encourage others to embrace the power of crafts as a way of storytelling. We might also touch the heart of creator God as we playfully create and grow in wonder.”