
What is bible group
The Bible is an amazing book - we believe it’s inspired by God! Despite what you may have heard, it’s not a bunch of boring rules.
The Bible is much more exciting than that. It’s the story of what God is like, and God’s amazing plan to bless humans across history. It’s also a very practical and helpful book, as it reveals to us God’s wisdom on how to live really well as humans and follow God as a community.
If you would like to find out more about the Bible and how it can help you live a fulfilled life, you’re welcome to join our weekly Bible group. It’s a small, but lively, group that meets at 7.30pm every Wednesday evening at the church. We look at the Bible together so we can understand it better and then ask how we can apply it to our lives.
It’s something we do together, as we learn best from each other (not just one person), and it always involves lots of discussion. If you’ve got questions, this is a great place to talk through them!
The Bible helps us understand who God is and his plans for the world, how to love and serve our community and how we can each learn how to live well. We often learn most when we put our questions to each other as a group.
Wednesdays evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm at the church.
Bible Group is open to everybody. Some of us have been reading the bible for years and others are just beginning. Noone has all the answers, but we learn together and come away encouraged!
Go Deeper
The Bible Projects are a crowdfunded project that produces media to help people everywhere experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
Read, hear, and study Scripture at the world’s most-visited Christian website. Grow your faith with devotionals, Bible reading plans, and mobile apps.

Blog post
How to start Reading the bible
Many people don’t realise that the Bible is by far and away the best-selling book in the world and has been since records of this sort have been kept….
Andrew’s blog
Andrew Perriman is one of our elders here at the Grove. He combines theological studies with writing and pastoral and missional work in a wide range of contexts. He teaches at the London School of Theology and King’s School of Theology as well as in a variety of other contexts. He also works for Communitas, a church planting organisation.
We invite you to visit Andrew’s blog which focuses on how we retell the biblical story, negotiating its transition from the centre to the margins of our culture following the collapse of Western Christendom.