Our Beliefs and Values
what we believe

We believe that God made every person to be in a relationship with Him, and this relationship is made possible through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that every human being is made in the image of God.

We believe that God desires to know all people without exception, and through Christ, has shown endless kindness towards all people.
We believe He loves everyone with an equal passion.
We believe that God asks each of us to partner with Him in bringing hope and transformation to individuals and to society.

We believe God wishes us to be a community too, to hold honest relationships with each other.
As a church, we are committed to one another, to be open to, to share with and to care for others through social activities, small groups, gathering together to worship and through genuine friendship.

How we live
We express our love for God through intimate worship, which we do together as we gather but also as individuals we commit to follow and serve Jesus in our everyday lives.
We engage in the community around us at every level, to express God’s love in a hands-on way that sees us offer practical projects and initiatives that bring good news and hope to our world.
We believe in a God who exists as a community we call the Trinity; one God united as three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
What we do
Everything we do as a small diverse community comes out of our core beliefs which, simply put, focus on love: we love God, love each other and love the wider community. Here are the core pillars of what we do:
Our Values
Our values help guide how we live and what we do. They’re simple really, since they’re all about loving God and each other - and we’d love to share them with you!
Whole life faith
We think our faith in God should be expressed in every aspect of our lives, not just by going to church on Sundays. As Christians we have a lot to celebrate, but we think it’s important to be honest, so we talk about our struggles, as well as things that are going well.
We’re a diverse bunch in ethnicity, social background, age and character. This can be challenging at times but going outside our comfort zone helps us to grow in love, patience and maturity. We welcome and include people who suffer from mental health issues, or who are homeless or otherwise in need.
We like people to participate and contribute in our meetings, rather than watch everything happen from the front. Everyone has unique and valuable contributions they can bring to serve and encourage one another.
Although our church members live across northwest London, we have a particular concern to serve the local community around the church building in Notting Hill. Many local people come to our building for a whole variety of activities. We seek to make our community an active and connected part of the local community.
Grass roots
In some churches, the leaders define the beliefs, vision and activities of the church. We work upside down: we see our leaders as servants whose role is to support and nurture the growth of church members, to help people find their role in God’s plans.
We encourage and support people to think for themselves and hear God, but in the context of a community grounded in the Bible and prayer.
Questions and doubts
We think questions are good and doubts are OK – they’re vital tools to help us grow in our faith, understanding and wisdom.
Care for the planet
We are a church who loves all that God has made – among us there are tree planters, CO2 capture scheme endeavours, nature photographers, cold water swimmers, dog lovers, elephant savers, bird watchers, plant eaters, and hill walkers.
We encourage each other to find ways to look after our planet. Nature inspires us to worship, and to be thankful: we glimpse God through it and are restored and refreshed.
We think beauty and creativity are gifts of God. We love to find creative ways to worship and communicate the life of God. God often reveals himself by showing us beauty in unexpected places.
Messy beautiful
Someone once described our church as ‘messy beautiful’ – we quite like this because although we think order is important, it’s vital to make room for the messiness that comes from creativity, new life and being fallible humans.

Our promises to you
We’ll treat you with respect and value, regardless of what you believe, and whether or not you want to join the church.
We think being Christian is great – but we won’t pressure you to believe or do anything you’re not comfortable with.
We’ll do our best to explain our beliefs in a way that’s easy to understand.
We welcome your questions, it’s OK to express doubts, and we’re not going to be offended if you disagree with us.
We won’t pressure you to give money.

Our main church meeting is on a Sunday morning. We worship God together, take communion, share what God has been doing, pray, plus discuss and learn from the Bible. Everyone is welcome - it’s a great way to meet people and come closer to God.