Anxiety, Status
Colleen Walker
Colleen Walker explores the everydayness of 'being' in the space of daily life using the materiality of the familiar, discarded and overlooked - the ordinariness of the everyday, the routines and obsessions that give shape and order to our existence the "Infra Ordinary".
A found shopping list appears inconsequential. As consumers we are surrounded by a world that offers an excess of choices. Where our diet is concerned we are constantly bombarded with confusing and contradictory information regarding what we should and should not be eating - the food we put in our shopping trolley (a predominantly female responsibility) has today become both a political and social minefield.
MA Fine Art
University of Brighton
BA Fine Art
University College Chichester
Mobile (2007) details
Mixed media 80x50x50cm
(The Laughing Cow is a registered trademark of Fromageries Bel)
The List (2005-7) detail