Shoot Portobello

shoot expeRIENCE

Over the weekend of the 31st March hundreds of people took to the streets of Portobello for the Shoot Portobello Weekend – a photography treasure hunt event, presented by Rough Trade shops and Shoot Experience. 

Locals and visitors alike took the opportunity to re-discover the streets of Portobello and uncover the hidden musical history of the area by deciphering clues and recording the answers photographically.   

Selected photographs from Shoot Portobello Weekend will be exhibited from the 1st to 31st August at Westbourne Grove Church, where the event took place. The Church offers the perfect environment in which to display the photos from the event, a wonderful collection of creative, spirited and inspiring photos, which capture the unique and eclectic culture of the area. 

For more information about the event visit 

This exhibition is also in association with the Portobello Film Festival. 


Why did the Chicken cross the road?

